Solid Ground - Our Wellness Services

Solid Ground Wellness promotes the principle that in order to achieve optimal wellness the individual’s well-being on an integrated and holistic level should be considered. Our overall well-being is intricately connected to our daily thoughts, actions and emotions, all of which are connected both to present time life issues and historical life issues. We may be compromising our well-being by re-creating unhealthy choices and behaviours.

Achieving wellness is a dynamic process of waking up to ourselves, to creating awareness, resolve and positive change to the life issues that hold us back from achieving our potential. The process of creating wellness means bringing into our lives conscious choices and changes that increasingly shift us toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is a constant process of change and growth.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.”
– Helen Keller –

Wellness training events CALENDAR

    If you wish to learn more or join one or more of the training events,
    please contact Pam Gillingham on 067 181 5356 or

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    CPD Points Pending

    Autogenic Training (AT) involves learning a series of simple steps to bring about body-mind awareness. It is a form of body-mind meditation which is based on a medical model, and with extensive evidence-based research and practice. AT enables one’s body-mind system to reset itself holistically, where self-regulation on physical, emotional, and mental levels occurs organically.  

    Once the method has been learnt, it requires just a few minutes a day to relieve stress, decrease anxiety and stabilise one’s mind and body. The practice of Autogenics has many benefits including maintaining general physical and emotional health and well-being, lowering blood pressure, increasing T-cell counts, improving work/sport/school performance, enhancing creativity, improving and aiding sleep induction, and reduction of symptoms of stress, anxiety and trauma.

    5 March – 9 April (09:30 – 11:30)
    25 May – 29 June (8:30 – 10:30)
    10 September – 22 October (09:30 – 11:30)



      CPD Points Pending

      Trauma affects virtually every aspect of a person’s life, often denigrating the very things that have defined safety in that person’s life. Finding their way back to what feels like ‘normality’ or a ‘new normal’ after trauma can be a daunting task for trauma survivors. It means living their lives in the face of fear. This fear, presented in the form of a multitude of behavioural, emotional, physical, and somatic symptoms is very often too overwhelming to deal with. As counsellors and therapists, we need to find our way through the myriad of trauma-based theories as well as deal with our own life issues and traumas in order to be the best vessel to assist our clients with theirs. In this course, I hope to provide you with some of the processes that will enable you to embrace trauma counselling with greater confidence.

      Participants will gain a greater understanding of the nature and the effects of acute & chronic stress and trauma, which will enhance their ability to provide trauma counselling and containment to their clients. Specific emphasis is placed on the effects of trauma from a body-mind perspective and explores the impact of varied integrative methodologies related to trauma reduction.

      10-11 March (09:00 – 14:00)
      5-6 May (09:00 – 14:00)
      25-26 August (09:00 – 14:00)
      17-18 November (09:00 – 14:00)



            CPD Points Pending

            The experience of loss and grief are universal events that occur throughout one’s life. Almost everyone experiences grief at some point in their life, and everyone grieves in their own way, in their own time. During the pandemic, we have seen excessively higher numbers of people suffering from various forms of loss, with traumatic and life-event related grief having hit hard.
            “Grief turns out to be a place none of us know until we reach it.” Joan Didion
            For some people, grief may last several months or a year, or longer and for others grieving is a lifelong process. The grieving experience is different for everyone. It is a deeply personal, often complex process that often just requires a supportive holding space where the grieving client can safely process their feelings and thoughts. This course focuses on building a knowledge-base and counselling skills to support the dying person, the dying person’s loved one’s and bereft clients who have already lost a loved one.

            The programme is designed to equip lay professionals and professionals working within the field of loss to develop critical knowledge and understanding of end-of-life issues, and the grieving process by providing theoretical frameworks and experiential skills development.

            COURSE DATES
            18-19 March (09:00 – 14:00)
            21-22 May (09:00 – 14:00)
            15-16 September (09:00 – 14:00)

            COURSE PRICE

              Solid Ground - Claudia Abelheim

              Pam Gillingham

              Pam has been in practice as a Social Worker for 27 years, both in the NGO, tertiary educational environments, as well as in Private Practice. She spearheaded specialised services in the field of gender equity issues, sexual and racial harassment; recovery from sexual abuse, rape and gender-based violence at Wits University for several years. Since 2013 Pam held the position of Director of The Family Life Centre, Families South Africa Johannesburg, which is a family services focused NGO.

              Her private practice offers a range of family-based therapies where the focus is on building emotional aptitude for individuals and relationships with a specific focus on holistic individual well-being and healthy family dynamics. This includes parenting, individual and relationship counselling, family therapy and a number of support groups. Specializing in medium to long term therapeutic work, Pam offers these therapies in a variety of contexts.

              Her practice includes the therapeutic integration of research-based alternative techniques for trauma and stress reduction, including mindfulness-based practices.

              Contact Me

              For more information please contact Pam Gillingham
              Cell: 067 181 5356